IP Coaching

Many private practice IP or patent attorneys would largely profit from learning about the practical business / economic IP challenges that an industry company faces, so that they become a more valuable advisor for their industry clients. 


Attorneys, that have been trained in legal, but not in commercial, strategic and management IP challenges, would bring their IP service and advise to the next level and become a more holistic and business relevant IP advisor to improve their client services.


As an In-house IP manager/counsel with over decade of experience in serving companies of different sizes and in different industries, it was my great pleasure to help an IP attorney from private practice to step forward in improving her knowledge in Business IP.


We had a first enjoyable online 1:1 IP Coaching session with more tailor-made sessions to be followed.


 🚀🎁 I am happy to share some slides of this IP Coaching session via my mailing list Claas' letters soon. 


➡️ Join the club ⬅️ and don't miss out.


Would you like to learn a bit more about my 1:1 IP Coaching service? Just get in touch with me, let's maybe have a virtual coffee ☕ and chat about it. I'd love to hear your story!

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